用后缀数组查找 meme

Julia Evans 发起的另一个编程挑战:目前啁啾会馆上有许多 meme,其中一些推文会采用相同的句式,现在需要利用后缀数组找出一些这样的推文。




  • MIN_COMMOM_NUM:找出的字符串集合的最小数量(这么说有点不准确,后面再解释)。


  1. 所有字符串拼接成一个很长的字符串。

  2. 构建这个大字符串的后缀数组。

  3. 遍历整个后缀数组:对于当前元素,取其前 MIN_COMMOM_SUBSTRING_SIZE 个字符作为目标公共子串 Target(如果元素的长度不足则跳到下一个元素),遍历当前元素之后的元素,直至遇到不以 Target 为前缀的元素。如果以 Target 为前缀的元素的数量大于或等于 MIN_COMMOM_NUM,则返回这堆字符串,否则继续遍历下一个元素。


Suffix 是后缀数组的元素,存储了后缀以及后缀开始的位置。

struct Suffix {
    // suffix string
    std::string str;
    // where does the suffix start in the original string?
    int start_idx;

    Suffix(const std::string& str, int start_idx) : str(str), start_idx(start_idx) {}
    Suffix& operator=(const Suffix& other) = default;

using SuffixArray = std::vector<Suffix>;


// create suffix array from a string
SuffixArray createSuffixArray(const std::string& str) {
    SuffixArray suffix_arr;
    for (int start_idx = 0; start_idx < str.size(); start_idx++) {
        suffix_arr.emplace_back(str.substr(start_idx), start_idx);
    std::sort(suffix_arr.begin(), suffix_arr.end(), [](const Suffix& lhs, const Suffix& rhs) {
        return lhs.str < rhs.str;
    return suffix_arr;

读入的推文用 Tweet 结构存储,它保存了文本以及文本在整个拼接而成的大字符串中的结束位置。

struct Tweet {
    // text in the tweet
    std::string text;
    // end index in the concatenated string
    int end_idx;

    Tweet(const std::string& text, int end_idx) : text(text), end_idx(end_idx) {}
    Tweet& operator=(const Tweet& other) = default;

Julia 已经提供了一个 SQLite 的数据库,我用了一个第三方库 SQLiteCpp 来连接数据库,把推文读入 Tweet 数组中,并将推文拼接成一个大字符串。原数据库中有上百万行的数据,这里加入了一个 TWEET_NUM_LIMIT 参数用于限制读入的推文数量。

try {
    SQLite::Database db(DB_PATH);

    SQLite::Statement query(db, "SELECT tweet FROM tweets LIMIT ?");
    query.bind(1, TWEET_NUM_LIMIT);

    std::vector<Tweet> tweets;
    std::string big_str = "";

    while (query.executeStep()) {
        std::string text = query.getColumn(0);
        int end_idx = big_str.size() - 1;
        tweets.emplace_back(text, end_idx);

    // ......
catch (std::exception& e) {
    std::cout << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;

下面是算法的关键代码。Lambda 函数会用前面构建的大字符串创建一个后缀数组,然后依据后缀数组找到符合要求的字符串堆(见上文的算法描述),最后返回所有目标后缀在大字符串中的开始位置,这些位置依照大小排序,并存储在栈中。

std::stack<int> start_idxs = [=]() -> std::stack<int> {
    // create a suffix array from the big string
    SuffixArray suffix_arr = createSuffixArray(big_str);
    for (SuffixArray::iterator curr_it = suffix_arr.begin(); curr_it != suffix_arr.end(); curr_it++) {
        const std::string& curr_suffix_str = curr_it->str;
        if (curr_suffix_str.size() < MIN_COMMOM_SUBSTRING_SIZE) {
        std::string target = curr_suffix_str.substr(0, MIN_COMMOM_SUBSTRING_SIZE);
        // find the first iter where the target is not a prefix
        SuffixArray::iterator target_end_it = std::find_if_not(curr_it + 1, suffix_arr.end(), [target](const Suffix& suffix) {
            return suffix.str.size() >= target.size() && isPrefix(target, suffix.str);
        // check if the number of tweets we found is enough
        int tweet_found_num = target_end_it - curr_it;
        if (tweet_found_num < MIN_COMMOM_NUM) {
            curr_it = target_end_it - 1;
        else {
            std::cout << "[Common substring: " << target << "]" << std::endl;
            std::vector<int> start_idxs;
            for (int i = 0; i < tweet_found_num; i++) {
                start_idxs.emplace_back((curr_it + i)->start_idx);
            std::sort(start_idxs.begin(), start_idxs.end(), std::greater<int>());
            return std::stack<int>(std::deque<int>(start_idxs.begin(), start_idxs.end()));
    return std::stack<int>();

如果上一步返回的栈为空,说明找不到目标;如果栈非空,则在推文中查找各个后缀的开始位置所属的推文。需要注意多个后缀的开始位置属于同一条推文的情况(公共子串在同一条推文中出现多次),这时需要忽略重复的推文,导致最终结果中的推文数量可能比 MIN_COMMOM_NUM 要小。

if (start_idxs.empty()) {
    std::cout << "No results found" << std::endl;
else {
    // print tweets
    int curr_idx = 0;
    while (curr_idx < tweets.size()) {
        int target_idx = searchTweet(tweets, curr_idx, tweets.size() - 1, start_idxs.top());
        std::cout << std::endl
                  << std::string(50, '=') << "[ Tweet ]" << std::string(50, '=') << std::endl
                  << tweets[target_idx].text << std::endl
                  << std::string(109, '=') << std::endl;
        // remove repeated tweets
        while (!start_idxs.empty() && tweets[target_idx].end_idx >= start_idxs.top()) {
        if (start_idxs.empty()) {
        curr_idx = target_idx + 1;


int searchTweet(const std::vector<Tweet>& tweets, int left, int right, int start_idx) {
    while (left < right) {
        int mid = left + (right - left) / 2;
        if (tweets[mid].end_idx >= start_idx) {
            right = mid;
        else {
            left = mid + 1;
    return right;

完整项目可见 GitHub


[Common substring:  a disclaimer and would like to mention ]

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due to twitter's new policy, i'm posting a disclaimer and would like to mention that i am not any of the… https://t.co/e8wre8ftPy

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due to twitter's new policy, i'm posting a disclaimer and would like to mention that i am not any of the celebritie… https://t.co/RBFygQNOMY

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due to Twitter’s new policy, I’m posting a disclaimer and would like to mention that I am not any of th… https://t.co/QcepQojThz

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due to Twitter’s new policy, I’m posting a disclaimer and would like to mention that I am not any of th… https://t.co/APBBMnGxeu

==================================================[ Tweet ]==================================================
due to twitter's new policy, i'm posting a disclaimer and would like to mention that i am not any of the celebritie… https://t.co/6YkEhOwOjf

==================================================[ Tweet ]==================================================
due to twitter's new policy, i'm posting a disclaimer and would like to mention that i am not any of the celebritie… https://t.co/rqDlvdmdDz
