

Suppose that you have performed histogram equalization on a digital image. Will a second pass of histogram equalization (on the histogram-equalized image) produce exactly the same result as the first pass? Prove your answer.


以连续灰度值为例。用变量 \(r\) 表示初始图像的灰度,并假设 \(r\) 的取值范围是 \([0, L - 1]\)。用变量 \(s\) 表示第一次直方图均衡的输出灰度值,用变量 \(k\) 表示第二次直方图均衡的输出灰度值,并令 \(p_s(s)\) 、 \(p_r(r)\) 和 \(p_k(k)\) 分别表示随机变量 \(r\)、\(s\) 和 \(k\) 的概率密度函数.


\[s = T(r) = (L - 1) \int_{0}^{r}p_r(w) \mathop{}\!\mathrm{d} w\]


\[p_s(s) = p_r(r) \left| \frac{\mathop{}\!\mathrm{d}r}{\mathop{}\!\mathrm{d}s} \right| = p_r(r) \left| \frac{1}{(L - 1)p_r(r)} \right| = \frac{1}{L - 1}\]


\[\begin{align*} k &= T(s) \\ &= (L - 1) \int_{0}^{s}p_s(w) \mathop{}\!\mathrm{d} w \\ &= (L - 1) \int_{0}^{s} \frac{1}{L - 1} \mathop{}\!\mathrm{d} w \\ &= s \end{align*}\]


\[p_k(k) = p_s(s) \left| \frac{\mathop{}\!\mathrm{d}s}{\mathop{}\!\mathrm{d}k} \right| = p_s(s)\]



Write a function that applies histogram equalization on a gray image. The function prototype is “equalize_hist(input_img) → output_img”, returning a gray image whose histogram is approx- imately flat. You can modify the prototype if necessary.

For the report, please load your input image and use your program to:

1. Compute and display its histogram. Manually paste the histogram on your report. Note: You must compute the histogram by yourself, but third-party APIs can be used for display.



from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sys

def main():
    # image
    filename = sys.argv[1]
    im_matrix = np.array(Image.open(filename).convert('L'))
    # create a histogram of the image
    hist = np.zeros(256)
    count = 0
    for row in im_matrix:
        for gray_data in row:
            hist[gray_data] += 1
            count += 1
    hist = hist / count
    # create the plot
    plt.axis([0, 255, 0, np.max(hist) * 1.05])
    plt.xlabel("Gray Level")

if __name__ == "__main__":


2. Equalize the histogram, and paste the histogram-equalized image and the corresponding histogram on your report.



3. Equalize the histogram again, and paste the resulting histogram on your report. Does this second pass of histogram equalization produce exactly the same result as the first pass? Why?




4. Please discuss how you implement the histogram equalization operation in details, i.e., the “equalize_hist” function.


  1. 求出每一个灰度级别所出现的频率。

  2. 求出每一个灰度级别所对应的累积分布。

  3. 将每个灰度级别所对应的累积分布乘上 255,用于灰度的变换。

  4. 对于每个像素的灰度,求出该灰度级别在上一步中求得的结果,作为变换后的输出值。


from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import os
import sys

def equalize_hist(input_img):
    # image array
    im_matrix = np.array(input_img)
    # create a histogram of the image
    hist = np.zeros(256)
    count = 0
    for row in im_matrix:
        for gray_data in row:
            hist[gray_data] += 1
            count += 1
    hist = hist / count
    # accumulative frequency
    acc_freq = np.zeros(256)
    acc_freq[0] = hist[0]
    for i in range(1, 256):
        acc_freq[i] = acc_freq[i - 1] + hist[i]
    # transformation array
    trans = (acc_freq * 255).astype(int)
    # histogram equalization
    for i, row in enumerate(im_matrix):
        for j, gray_data in enumerate(row):
            im_matrix[i][j] = trans[gray_data]
    return Image.fromarray(im_matrix).convert("L")

def main():
    # image
    input_file = sys.argv[1]
    input_img = Image.open(input_file).convert('L')
    # histogram equalization
    output_img = equalize_hist(input_img)
    # save output image
    f, e = os.path.splitext(input_file)
    output_file = f + "_eh" + e

if __name__ == "__main__":


Write a function that performs spatial filtering on a gray image. The function prototype is “filter2d(input_img, filter) → output_img”, where “filter” is the given filter. You can modify the prototype if necessary.

1. Smooth your input image with 3 × 3, 5 × 5 and 7 × 7 averaging filters respectively. Paste your three results on the report.

3 × 3 均值滤波器:

5 × 5 均值滤波器:

7 × 7 均值滤波器:

2. Sharpen your input image with a 3 × 3 Laplacian filter and then paste the result. In addition, briefly discuss why Laplacian filter can be used for sharpening.



3. Perform high-boost filtering on your input image. Choose a k as you see fit. Write down the selected k and paste your result on the report.

选用 3 × 3 均值滤波器,并设置 k = 3,结果如下:

4. Detailedly discuss how you implement the spatial filtering operation.

  • Step 1: 根据滤波器的大小填充相应的数值为 0 的行与列。

  • Step 2: 将滤波器旋转 180°,然后用滑动窗口的方法进行乘法求和,得出全部卷积结果。

  • Step 3: 对卷积的结果进行裁剪,恢复为原来的图形大小。


from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import os
import sys

def filter2d(input_img, filter):
    # image array
    im_matrix = np.array(input_img)
    row, col = im_matrix.shape
    # zero padding
    filter_size = filter.shape[0]
    padding_size = filter_size // 2
    padding_im_matrix = zero_padding(im_matrix, padding_size)
    # convolution
    reverse_filter = np.flip(filter)
    convol_matrix = np.zeros((row + 2 * padding_size, col + 2 * padding_size))
    for i in range(padding_size, padding_size + row):
        for j in range(padding_size, padding_size + col):
            submatrix = padding_im_matrix[i - padding_size : i + padding_size + 1,
                                          j - padding_size : j + padding_size + 1]
            convol_matrix[i][j] = round((submatrix * reverse_filter).sum())
    # output
    output_im_matrix = convol_matrix[padding_size : padding_size + row,
                                     padding_size : padding_size + col]
    return Image.fromarray(output_im_matrix).convert("L")

def zero_padding(matrix, padding_size):
    row, col = matrix.shape
    new_matrix = np.zeros((row + 2 * padding_size, col + 2 * padding_size))
    new_matrix[padding_size : padding_size + row, padding_size : padding_size + col] = matrix
    return new_matrix

def high_boost_filtering(input_img, filter, k):
    im_matrix = np.array(input_img)
    blurred_im_matrix = np.array(filter2d(input_img, filter))
    mask_matrix = im_matrix - blurred_im_matrix
    return Image.fromarray(im_matrix + k * mask_matrix).convert("L")

def main():
    # image
    input_file = sys.argv[1]
    input_img = Image.open(input_file).convert('L')
    # filters
    # filter_3_3 = np.ones((3, 3)) / 9
    # filter_5_5 = np.ones((5, 5)) / 25
    # filter_7_7 = np.ones((7, 7)) / 49
    filter_laplacian = np.array([[1, 1, 1],
                                 [1, -8, 1],
                                 [1, 1, 1]])
    # spatial-filtering
    output_img = filter2d(input_img, filter_laplacian)
    # save output image
    f, e = os.path.splitext(input_file)
    output_file = f + "_sf" + e

if __name__ == "__main__":
